Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Show and Tell... Your Never Too Old.

This past Sunday was our monthly "Super Senior Supper", at our church in Afton. Each month we try and have a theme for the "supper". This months theme was "Show and Tell". Each "senior", as in anyone over 55, was asked to bring something of personal interest to share with everyone. There was alot of neat items on display. Bob Howe brought a piece of sheet metal from a Japanese "Zero" fighter plane from WWII. The plane had actually attacked the aircraft carrier Mr. Howe was aboard, and was retreived after the attack. It was a red piece from the "Rising Sun", emblazoned on the side of the plane. Carol Armstrong showed us her cake topper and scrapbook from her wedding back in 1957. Her husband Roger went to be with the Lord in 1983. Dawn Ashworth brought along two of her favorite dolls. Both are unique in that they are both black. Many other momentos were shared with the group of around thirty. My adopted "parents", Ken and Betty Wilcox, each brought a special prize from their past. The photos here show what these treasures are. Ken was an avid racecar driver back in the seventies and eighties. Mostly racing on dirt tracks near Long Island and some near Binghamton New York. He shared with us the fine "art" of dirt track driving, and the many races he won. He brought a model of one of the cars he raced. The model was made by his daughter, Megan. Betty brought us a special trophy she had won for a beautiful baby contest in Babylon, Long Island. Her grandmother submitted her photo for judging. Many children were entered, including her cousin. The trophy contained a special surprise when it was brought to Afton, New York, many years later. The local newspaper featured a front page picture and article proclaiming the winner.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Let' Go Fishing... Luke 5:10

My home church of First Baptist Church of Afton had it's annual Mission's Conference this past weekend. We were blessed with three special ministries this year. Ben Kettor, a native of Liberia, who is with Orphan Cry Ministries, gave one of the most exciting challenges of the weekend. He told of a group of missionaries who came to his grandparents village many years ago,spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ. His parents were Christians as well, but Ben told us that according to the Bible, each of us must give an account for ourselves. He told us that no ones mother or father can give an account for any of their children. Ben is currently a student at Davis Bible College in Binghamton, New York. He has been in the United States since August, 2007, leaving his wife Frances and his son, Ben, Jr., in Liberia. We are praying that their visas will come through shortly so they can be reunited with Ben and work together with Ben and his ministry. Ben hopes to finish his schooling and return to his native Liberia to continue spreading the Gospel to his native people.