Sunday, August 17, 2008
Dern Tooten I'm a Rebel!
I get asked quite often at living histories and reenactments why a guy from New York(albeit Southern New York) would chose to be on "their" side. The "their" referring to the Confederates. I have at least 4 known relatives who fought on the side of the Union during The American Civil War. Three in the state of New York and one in Pennsylvania. I even had one relative, Nicholas Robinson, die of wounds suffered at The Battle of Bermuda Hundred in 1864. Nicholas was my ggggrandfather, who was part of the 100th NYVI. Now, back to why I chose to be on "their" side. Upon studying the leaders of the Civil War, I came to observe one thing about the Confederacy. The majority of their leaders were God-fearing men who had put their faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. Lee, Jackson, Stuart,Mosby, Polk, Davis, Hood, Armistead plus many other leaders from general on down were not quiet about their religious beliefs and many revivals took place during the war.(More on that in a later "Wandering".) If being on "their" side is the worst thing I could do,Your dern tooten' I'm a Rebel.