Friday, August 15, 2008

Family Reunion: Civil War Style

Had a great time this last weekend at The Pierce Creek Civil War Weekend. My long lost cuzzin,(Who probably didn't know he was lost) and I were reunited. It was as if the Blue had met the Gray on the field of battle, (Wait a minute, thats what happened.) My cousin Mike Gillett, all the way from the Yankee state of Michigan was (coincidentally) in town for the same reenactment. My mother and I had seen this distinguished looking gentleman (Not in my family) walking around taking pictures of anything that wouldn't move, and some things that did. We weren't sure if it was cousin Mike(We weren't sure if he was going to be there) or not. I approached him at one of the sutlers and asked if he was from Michigan, he said he was. I asked if his name was Mike Gillett, he said it was. I said I'm your cousin Scott. He sized me up for a second and replied, "My cousin, not in that uniform your not!" Mike is part of the 21st Michigan Volunteer Infantry where he is a 1st Lt and a chaplain. We had a great time swapping yarns about our kin, and getting to know some new kin. He had never met my wife Barbara, my son Brad, and my daughter Karissa. It was a great day and were all still buzzing about it.